Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old

August dividend

14591621_10202237250047958_924048389166833196_n.jpg08/31/2016 Interest BANK DEPOSIT SWEEP

08/26/2016 Dividend C Popup CITIGROUP INC NEW $16.00

08/23/2016 Dividend HCP Popup HCP INC $5.75

08/19/2016 Dividend AAL Popup AMERICAN AIRLINES GROUP INC $1.00

08/18/2016 Dividend COF Popup CAPITAL ONE FINANCIAL CORP $16.00

08/15/2016 Dividend KMI Popup KINDER MORGAN INC DEL $10.00

08/02/2016 Dividend POT Popup POTASH CORP OF SASKATCHEWAN INC $5.00

08/01/2016 Dividend DE Popup DEERE & CO $6

Total: $60.95

  • January: $134.54
  • February: $241.38
  • March: $878.07
  • April: $141.29
  • May: $47.75
  • June: $744.26
  • July: $32.57
  • August: 60.95
  • Total: $2880.81

This months marked the highest in stock gain from my portfolio since the exodus of capital from my taxable account to go into the investment property. Largely due to Bank of America has gone back up to $16. While I was on vacation in Cozumel, BAC was back down to $11 and I bough 1000 share to average $13. If Brexit continue to be a threat, I can see share price of BAC will go back down to the low teens, or even single digit. If that is the case, I would not hesitate to unload my cash pile to buy some more. For now, I am happy to collect my 3% dividend yield from BAC as the company dividend raise will kick in this month.

Dividend front for August is quiet. But it is also quietly building up my wealth without me doing any actual work. If work was anything like the last week of midnight shift on a regular basis, I would rather pull the trigger now.

One huge blow to earlier retiree who are considering getting on Obamacare once they call it off, some of the big insurers are pulling off from the market place. This certainly will make Obamacare more expensive to a lot of people. I am hoping Hilary will win so she can help improve Obamacare of universal insurance of some sort, if that is the case, taxes for passive income might be raised, but then again, the Democratic Party agenda generally favor the “low income” people. Notice that American are taxed on what we earn, not what we have, so my networth will be largely untouched, as my passive income is artificially low at the first glance, but it is livable income.🙂

There is a big chance that Trump might win big, as he is disclosing he does not hold stocks now, he might shake up the market so his family will buy like crazy. You bet there will be a lot of insider trading when he is president. We will see how this election play out.🙂

Are you going to be relying on Obamacare when you call it off? Or trying t get on parttime work so you don’t have to relying on the government plan?

7 comments on “August dividend

  1. dividendsandhobbies
    September 3, 2019

    Awesome dividends.
    As for Obamacare it’s nothing more than managed care with both sides being played with the eventual plan well universal insurance didn’t work so now we are going to try single payer withen the next few years I believe. There was all these hidden things like a 2.5 percent tax on medical devices which was passed on to consumer.
    I’ve been on government healthcare for years and it’s not the best. Both sides were played in this deal lower costs to the consumer and more profits to the companies. As we are finding out lower costs were not the results.
    It was a perfect example of crony capitalism


  2. FerdiS
    September 4, 2019

    Congratulations on your dividends! Keep up the good work.

    I’m not a Clinton fan, but Trump would be a disaster as president, in my view.

    Take care and happy investing!f


  3. DivHut
    September 4, 2019

    Nice job earning some passive income as well as some nice BAC gains too. How is your investment property coming along? I always want to hear first hand accounts of being a landlord and collecting rent along with the other headaches of maintaining the property. Thanks for sharing your mix of dividend income.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  4. humblefi
    September 4, 2019

    Buying on a market dip….sounds like music to my ears🙂 Congrats on reducing the average cost per share.

    As regards Obamacare, it is truly disappointing to see it breaking down. I know a couple folks above 55 from work and they were relying on Obamacare big time for their retirement. Now I heard that the uncertainty around it has forced them to re-evaluate when they can retire.

    Personally, I see an ironic situation here. Work really hard for Financial Independence and accumulate some health problems during that. But cannot retire inspite of FI because of insurance costs for the accumulated health problems in the process of achieving FI🙂 Lets hope Obamacare gets fixed and becomes whole again!!

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  5. When Do You Retire?
    September 4, 2019

    Nice dividends to receive in August! Keep collecting🙂


  6. Dividend Family Guy
    September 6, 2019

    Good month WRD. I hope to have my results up soon. I am not sure who I will vote for this year. I wish we could put them both through a financial IQ test and see who can get our deficit paid off.

    LikeLiked by 1 person

  7. fundablegrowth
    November 21, 2019

    Nothing better then your money earning more money for you.

    Keep it up!




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