Rental Property Logs

Rental Maintenance Log

After buying my 4-plex back in September, I’ve done a lot of repairs, and it was very disorganized. I want to be more organize this year, and I want to keep track to how much time and money involve in the 4-plex.

This is a list of the rental property landlord maintenance calls I have had.  It is not 100% of all the maintenance that needs to be done, or 100% of the maintenance I did.  It is a log of calls made to me by tenants, and what I had to do to ‘fix’ the issue.  Some calls are simple, just answer a question.  Some require an on-site visit, and no expense.  Some require a bit of work and an expense.  And some I may even forget to log.

Hopefully,  someday I can leave the properties and manage from a distance.  This will give me a reference point to be able to proactively maintain the properties and eliminate some emergencies.

Maintainance log
Seq Date Problem Resolution Time Cost
1 1/12/2015 Tenant want to renew contract Print contract and Drop off 1 hour $15
2 1/15/2015 It’s actually should be 5-months This way all I can change the term the next time they renew because I don’t want to pay for ultilities. 1 hour $0
3 1/27/2015


Dryer Stop working

Part arrived

It tumbles but didn’t produce any heat. Thinking it’s the heating element is out.Order part. Will see if it will do it. When part arrive

Hire a handyman to replace the part

1 hour

2 hours



1 Comment

  1. I like the rental log. I put one out on my blog too, and it helps me see how much time I spent. Mine is a bit more work hours, but I have a few more units. ;-). Great job!

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