2016 Goals


SMART-ObjectivesHappy New Year and Many Years to Come, Everyone!

My 2019 Goals are for my health and my wealth. I’d like to help my family and try to be a good citizen.

  1. Call my Dad once a week. Contact some of my siblings, at least once a month. I’m very bad at calling.
  2. volunteer at least 200 hours – basketball and soccer coaching. Maybe habitat of humanity at some point
  3. travel outside of the US – I have Cozumel and Puerto Rico lined up for February and July
  4. Have $50K in emergency cash
  5. Invest or have $30k in investment account, either in cash or in dividend paying stocks
  6. Reach $6k/year or $500/mo in dividend payout.
  7. Negociate parttime position at work. I have a doctoral degree, I’m young and capable, I don’t want my clinical knowledge to go to waste. mr is not ready to retire, I’d be bored to death staying home or worse, get depress for failure to thrive? 🙂 not that bad, but I do need to get out of the house
  8. give away 5% of my income – my Dad or to one of my niece and nephew who are going to college.

I guess I’d keep trying to do good deeds and hope everything will be alright.


  1. Might probably be the nicest list of goals for 2019 I’ve read so far. I wish you great luck with achieving them!

    – mraitn

  2. Wow..some great goals there Vivianne. Wishing you the best for 2019 and beyond

  3. Vivianne, great goals! Your first one related to your family resonates the most with me.

  4. Vivianne Nice Goal!!! It’s good to see someone motivating like you!!! Hope you can reach your goals this year =)

  5. Thanks for sharing Vivianne. Great goals and a reminder for sure to enjoy the journey. Nice that you are giving away 5 percent. Started this year, my wife and I have started giving away 1 thousand a month to our parents. Give and take and the Universe will help us achieve everything.
    Wish you the best for 2019 and take care as always. Thanks for the post.

    • Man, you are super generous to your folks! But then again, they love us unconditional, gave us all the best thing they could afford. It’s the least thing we can do, right?

  6. No 1 and 8 might.be the best I’ve come across and maybe it will be the best everlasting goals in your life.

    I like how you integrate money with love with relationship. It makes your goal very fulfiling, warm and complete.

    • Yes, I do plan on keeping that goal years on out. Sometimes our love ones need is cash. My dad is super frugal, when I give money he’d donate it to temple or give it to his siblings. The ability to help out give him pride. I can’t describe it, but I guess it’s our tradition.

      I remember, when I was a broke college student. One of my brother who was working at a manufacture assembly line making minimum wage, but he propose that they’d all chip in to support me each month. I cried, but I wouldn’t take the money. I was able to borrow money for school and I worked parttime to make extra money for living. Helping him out now is the right thing to do.

  7. Very touching goals Vivianne…esp the goal number 1. Your goals reminded me that there is a part of my life that I have neglected in fight for survival. I am going to cheat and steal idea number 1 from you…every week is not possible for me…too much water under the bridge. But, at least 2 times a month is doable….who knows, it may lead to once a week. Thanks for reminding us of the need to take care of not just money but the soul as well.

    Here is wishing you an awesommest 2019!!

    • Yeah, sometimes life got caught up to us. That’s why we are all racing to FI, then we can have a lot of time to build on family relationships. I’m glad you take on the idea 🙂 the world is better when you have something to live for, our family. 🙂

  8. Hi Vivianne

    Good luck with your goals! I love the volunteering one and look forward to when I have the time to do some proper volunteering. Also love the giving away 5% of your income.

    I don’t call my folks or my siblings every week – seemed a bit more important before the internet but these days, we’re in touch via Whatsapp!

    Anyway, it’s amazing that you are only a year from being FI – all the best for this final year!

  9. You are so kind Vivianne!

    I could learn so much from you! My parents gave me everything and I’m not very appreciative of that. Time for that to change. Good luck on your 2019 goals!

  10. WRI,

    GREAT goals – the family aspect is incredible, the donating of hours and money = phenomenal and noble of you.

    $6K in forward income is fun to reach, I did it during 2018, as $500/month just looks awesome. You’ll get there, and I hope you crush over it.

    $50K is quite a stock pile any reason?

    Thank you very much for posting, talk soon!


    • That’s a great question! Most people want to have 3 months of expense, I want to have 10 months(business expense, not personal expense). Dividend and rental income might fluctuate. So, the extra cash will help if I have cashflow issues.

      I tipped my hat to you guys. You are very effective at dividend investing, even with a smaller account value. 2019 might bring a lot of buying opportunities though, I hope to catch up 😛

  11. Love your give out 5% of your income. We’ve been doing that for a few years now. Great goals, will be keeping an eye on how you’re doing throughout the year. 🙂

    • Actually, in the past 5 years, I gave away more than 5% each year. One year, I even paid a huge debt for my brother who borrowed money from a “rich” cousin and refused to pay back. My cousin was really nice, I didn’t want my Dad to lose face each time he goes visit. So I paid it.

2 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. My Goals for 2019 | Seeking Returns
  2. 2016 Goals Review | Well Rounded Investor

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