Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old

Recent buy

maxresdefaultIt has been a busy week for me. One of my potential tenants decided to back out. So, I’ve been busy showing the house. I also have my guys painting the rotten windows boards. He told me some of the boards are too rotten to save, so he recommended another guy to do window wrapping. I had 30 windows wrapped for $750. He was going to charge $50 per window, so I saved 50%. $50 per window seems reasonable given that there were three men working from sun up to sun down. And from now on, I never have to pay money for painting the windows again as the materials are composite of aluminum and vinyl. It’s a cool process watching worn down windows turning into brand new looking ones.

I also coach soccer. Practice is twice a week. And the game is on Saturday morning. I didn’t have 7 kids for the first 2 practices, then on game day, they showed up and demanded to play. They messed up my offense and my defense. We lost 2-1. I was furious. :)

A good thing is that I learned a lot from the first game. I trained the best goal keeper. He made 7 or 8 saves. It was funny when he did exactly what I told him. It was a great feeling. I taught him how to approach the ball and demand that the opponent back off. I also taught him how to punch, catch, push, punt, and kick. He mastered all those skill very quickly. I told him “no loose ball, a ball in your hand is a goal saved”. We would have lost by a lot more if I didn’t spend the extra 10 minutes after practice to train him. It paid off very quickly.

That made me think, the extra time I spent training my goalie is like my side hustle.  If I spend a little extra time, and I can get rewarded very handsomely. Side hustles can cut my time to FI by 5-10 years.

I also quickly improved my players’ Soccer IQs.I let them know what formation we should be playing earlier during the week and all of the passes and movements that they should be expecting. The boys always hog the football. By telling them to pass the ball, it put them in very favorable position to score. It is advantageous  to pass. I can see them begin to trust their girl teammates. As a result, this weekend, we won 5-1. We should have crushed the other team even more. :)

It was cool when I get them to talk to each other. It was hard the first time. Then, by game time, I heard them yelling, “me, I’m open, here, pass, middle, switch, etc” hahaha, they made me so happy. Communication was key to our winning. I also assigned the girls to be captain, and co-captains.

Man, the parents started to bribe me by bringing a lot of snacks for the team. I felt the pressure, making sure I let their kids play. I made very smart substitutions, and I put the right kids in the right and natural positions. I let my strong players play all the time with very little rest. I sub the weak kids in and out, so everybody gets to play. Money and time earns a playing spot?! :)
I also trained the girl to do it right by keeping at it. Each time they lose the ball, they have to go after it. They started to hustle a little bit more. When we lead by a lot, I send my big tall guy to defend, send the girls up to attack. It was cool to see them work so hard when I gave them the opportunity. The kids are thrilled, the parents are happy, and my team won.

Talking about keeping at it, as you all know from previous posts, I am long on BAC and other financial companies as banking is one of the few sectors with a PE still around 10.
So I took advantage of the recent pull back, and I bought 200 shares of BAC at 15.6x. I will add $40 a year in dividend income. The company also announced $5.6 billion in stock buy back, so it will have some upside potential. The company is earning 28 cents per share in the 1st quarter. That means they are paying less than 20% on dividends. I believe they will increase the dividends after they concentrate the stocks.

To diversify, I’ve also added 20 shares of FOX at $32.60. This will add 6$ to my dividend payment. Fox owns fox TV, fox soccer, fox business, and 21st century production. They are making one of the most anticipated sequels Avatar. I love the Avatar 1, and they are making Avatar 2, and 3. Each one should produce $2-3 billions in revenue. Awhile back, Liquid at Freedomthirtyfiveblog.com was buying some movie production company, so I’ll been having my eye on entertainment sector for awhile.

Readers, it’s springtime, have you started that garden or doing any outdoor activities? Did you make any new buy recently?

10 comments on “Recent buy

  1. DivHut
    April 26, 2018

    Thanks for sharing your recent buy with us. FOX isn’t a typical media stock buy we see among the dividend bloggers. Usually, people go for DIS. Still, even with a low yield it does seem to be well priced. I recently added to my BNS last week and still may buy more before April is over. We’ll see how the last week of the month unfolds.


    • Vivianne
      April 26, 2018

      It seems silly, but election is coming, with more candidates from both parties are gung-hoing for the primary race, Fox is the only channel that conservative people will watch. Assuming there are 40-50% of people are conservative. Fox is the only choice. Compare to liberals you’ll have plenty of choices, cnn, abc, cbs, cps, etc. This would give fox a command in rating. (Maybe I work with way too many conservatives :))

      I also enjoy the addition of its fox sport 1. I love watching football, and they have champion league on their contract. This is way cool for me.

      They did increase their dividend by 20%

      PE is only at 8 below the 15-22 average.

      Disney is a good stock. Which kid don’t like to watch Disney movies, shows and go to its parks? But I don’t see the evaluation justification at this point even if the company decide to split the stock soon. I’ll keep Disney on my watch! Thanks for the suggestion.


  2. Alexis
    April 26, 2018

    Coaching always seemed like a stressful side gig (I’m not a sports person). It sounds like you really enjoy it (minus the bribe attempts). I haven’t done much in the way of gardening this year other than help my grandmother with her yard. As summer moves in,I’ll be helping my parents with their garden and hitting the Farmers Market more often.


    • Vivianne
      April 26, 2018

      I’ve heard many after school programs are doing the building block game – minecraft. Since you are super duper good at video games, I think you could start something like that at your school. It’s one of the NPR segments. I forgot the name of the show. I think it is very cool to help kids building whatever they want.

      I put down some seeds to take advantage of the rain. But I have yet raiding my garden to start a new season. :) I love working outdoor.


      • Alexis
        April 26, 2018

        My school is really tiny (private) and the afterschool program was cancelled twoish years ago. Alas, doing a club after school would be fun though!

        LikeLiked by 1 person

  3. debt2retirement
    April 27, 2018

    Hi Vivianne,

    FOX seems like a smart buy especially with the upcoming elections. I also saw their div increase of 20%. The P/E ratio seems fair too, so it looks like a good buy to me.

    I played soccer when I was little! I remember the 2 days a week of practice and then going to the games on Saturday morning! Those were the days. It’s good you keep yourself involved in that, it’s a great stress reliever. Good luck with the house, too!



    • Vivianne
      April 27, 2018

      Stress reliever, what stress reliever? Hehehe I’ve been consumed by the game. I’d stay up to replay the whole game in my head, picturing my players and their movements. It’s like going to battle, I scream and yell ehhehehe, I lose my voice after each practice and game. Hahah.

      I don’t praise them enough, so I assign the captain and co-captains to say “good job, good pass, good this, good that,” to encourage other players. Heheh they do that job for me to keep a fun and positive team atmosphere.

      It’s great that you get to do soccer. I wish I would have sign up for soccer in high school. I would be a very good left back, or a forward. I’m short, fast, handle the ball well to make those cross passes, and I’m relentless.


  4. Dividend Dreams
    April 27, 2018

    Nice buy. I must admit, I have not researched FOX, but I will now :-)


    • Vivianne
      April 27, 2018

      There is FOX B share, and there is FOXA A share, I retracted, bought FOXA instead. It’s all good. I’m making effort to diversify the portfolio instead.


  5. Liquid
    April 29, 2018

    That’s pretty much the same reason I decided to invest in FOX last year. They hold very valuable intellectual properties and media assets. I can’t wait for the sequels to Avatar. :) You got in at a pretty good price. I paid $34/share for mine. Thanks for the mention by the way.



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This entry was posted on April 25, 2018 by in Best post.



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