Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old


Most people just put a link, how’s about I do a little summaries on each of the blogs, the way I see them

Dividend mantra – He’s a cool guy. Invest in stock using fundamentals, and Warren Buffett style. Conservative, consistent, with in 4 years, he goes from negative into almost $200K of net worth. This is pretty awesome to me. Another reason I like him because he invested in 50s different companies, and some company he earns $2-10, such small numbers, but when you add 20-30 companies, dang! the number is $600-700/mon. This is amazing to me. Good stuff, good read. He quit his job to become a full time blogger, writer.

Extreme early retirement – this guy is a bit extreme for me, but what he says do make sense. Can’t go against a guy PhD brain.

no none sense landlord – very inspiring guy, by becoming a landlord and managing properties, his income is now exceeding his full time income. He also offers free landlord forms for beginner. Good reads. You can tell he’s a very good guy. I want to hang out and learn from him.

Freedom Thirty Five – this is my favorite guy. He’s still in his 20s and manage to build asset close to $1 million with an average middle class income. Starting out from scratch with very little help from his parents. He understands the fundamental of leveraging at such a young age. Very powerful, inspirational. I knew what he knows, when I was younger, but I didn’t have the gut like he does. I had a great mentor growing up, I should have follow what my mentor says to do. I didn’t. There is something about when you see people spell their number out so that you can finally see the theory in action. It is just great.

Dividend Hut - He’s been investing since 1988, through many rises and falls, and now he’s concentrate on dividend stocks and REITs, that just said something about this wealth building method.

Dutch dividend tree-  he’s literally just starting out and blogging his dividend and tracking his expense, I’ll keep coming back to see how’s he doing. I wish did that at his age.

Million Endeavour – Jeff has a 7 years plan to become a millionaire. It sounds ambitious. A few years ago, I’d think he’s too cocky. But after reading his plan, and many have done it and they showed the steps that they’ve achieved it. It think it’s a very reasonable plan. I’ll keep coming back to see how he’s doing over time.

Free2Retire30 – 22 year old computer science and computer engineering student in California (the right profession, in the right State). He is in his first year of master studies and he works part time as a software engineering intern. Even though he’s still young, but he’s smart. He knows starting early is the key to FI, that’s why his goal of 30 years old.

Nomorewaffles - 25 years old guy starting out with passive income investing. His style of writing is full of color, it seems like he has a vibrant life while trying to achieve FI.

Rich Neighbour – I like his mantra – works smart, invests regularly, lives frugally, makes a financial planning and enjoys passive income. Who wouldn’t want that? The key is this guy realize it early, in his Tween.

Forever Financial Freedom –  B, a 29 years old from Singapore on his path to FI by 35 years old married with kid. His method would work well since there are 2 of them: initial investment of $100K, then injecting $60K every year, plus compounding dividend income at $0 taxes. By 2020 projected account will swell to $1.4 mil and dividend income to $85K. Nice! I’ll be following his blog to see where his family will go from here.

There’s Value – It’s a team of husband and wife. We have the same model, looks like they live a very moderate lifestyle to control expense, stocks, housing, and eco-house. You got to love us young people. Even with children, they seem to be very energetic and ready to take on this journey.

Humblefi – Inspired by other PF bloggers, he set out to start his own FI in 10 years. He lives in high cost living location, so his retirement house would cost $1 mil – ouchy! Will check back with him to see his progress, how he can wiggle his way through.

Retire at 50 – a Swiss couple who have the goal to retire in 10 years. They come from different horizons, but meet in the middle with frugal lifestyle and traveling goal. They keep themselves accountable by blogging their journey on expense and income. I think they can make it before the 10 years.

Dividend Dream – this family has been through a lot from the dot com bubble to the financial and housing market crash. He now follows the SMART rule to set his goal for investing. Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time base = smart. This really helps beginner ans seasoned investors  to be on track, and steer away from lust, greed and speculation on investing.

Scones and books – Alexis – she’s a special education teacher, smartest blogger I know with superb video games skills. Her impressive long list of things to do and achieve made me dig deep.  I would love to play new super Mario bros with her, so I can constantly in the bubble and she could just takes me through all the level. Ehhehehe, that would be ideal for me, because I hate dying in video games.

Tawcan – Canadian husband and wife team with a champion dividend portfolio. They do it efficiently with REIT and dividend paying stocks. As you know, REIT dividend is taxed at a regular income rate. And qualified dividends are charge at 0%, 10% and 15% rate. So by them buying their REITs and put in US equivalent to Roth IRA, they are saving tons of money. Right of the bat, you can learn so much from them and their wisdom can take you far. Such as an article they wrote about Stepping into Complete Darkness.

Felix Money – Money Festo – Husband and wife team that have the same basic model as I do. Save aggressively, multiple stream of income from business, from investment property and from investments of various types. People want to keep it simple in investing, but they’re young. You’re supposed to break away free when you are young. They have recently bought a business, a hair salon. $30K investment and return $800/2 weeks of business, 26% ROI can beat dividend stock any day. I’ll come back to see what type of business they get their hand on, and see if I can duplicate. :P

Zero Waste Home - As described, she uses the 5 Rs to live her life and influence others. Refuse – Reduce – Reuse – Recycle – Rot. her whole years of waste can fit in a jar. This is awesome!

8 comments on “Blogrolls

  1. Rich Neighbour
    January 30, 2018

    Nice list, the top 2 links don’t work. Take care!


  2. Vivianne
    January 30, 2018

    Thank you for letting me know. I edit as I go. :P There must be something wrong with the theme, because I link them all the same way, reproof all the html codes. It happened with only the first one. No matter who I put on the top. :P


  3. No Nonsense Landlord (@NoNonsenseLL)
    February 23, 2018

    Lots of great sites on that list. I follow several of them. There is a big difference between being FI and wealthy. Keep up the great work!


    • Vivianne
      February 25, 2018

      Interesting point. Financial independence doesn’t mean wealthy. Hmmm… I guess it’s true. But depend on the person appetite for “wealthy”, some value time, some value assets.


  4. Dividend Dreams
    March 8, 2018

    Great blogroll. The sites listed are great and I follow them as well. I like how you provide information on each blog and blogger.


    • Vivianne
      March 9, 2018

      Thank you for your kind words. I try to be a bit different from other bloggers. :)


  5. retiredat50
    March 19, 2018

    Hi Vivianne,

    Thanks for referring us, and perfect summary!




  6. Dividend Dreams
    March 22, 2018

    Hi Vivianne – Thanks so much for adding me to your blogroll :-)



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