Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old



I’m 33 34 years old, healthcare professional. I had a passion to heal people from a very young age. However, healthcare is just like anything else, it’s a business. In business, there is also bureaucracy, so after nine years into the profession, I’m worn out. I’m willing to work part time, but I don’t think I can stand the hours, and the job itself full time. I still have a mortgage and about $55k left from $100k of student loan, in order to sustain the same lifestyle (I live minimally since graduation). I must made up the income from multiple sources to replace my current income. At that point, I will declare independence! Reaching financial independence (FI) would allow me to do things beyond medical, more creative work, research, writing, painting, learn new language, travel, and etc. :) The options are unlimited.

What did I do to get there: I worked multiple jobs before – paid or non-paid. All of the jobs helped me grow. It also helped me become a better public person.

Paid jobs:

  • I worked at a plantation
  • I worked as a salesman – sell food at farmer market, I owned my own catering company.
  • I served food at a food court at a college.
  • I worked a cashier at a gift shop.
  • I went an work for grocery store and a couple of hospitals.
  • I taught at a college.
  • I worked as a researcher
  • I owned a couple of companies

Volunteer jobs:

  • Delivered mails, postcard and flowers to patients at a local hospital.
  • Feed the homeless and clean up houses with Habitat of Humanity Organization.
  • Worked as stand-up comedian at a nursing home.
  • Teach the Big Brother and Big Sister Club (Kids need to learn to be big brother and big sister when their mom is pregnant with a little one)
  • Did health screening at State Fair and other events.
  • Gave tours and guidance to new college student
  • Tutored math from HS to college
  • Recently, I’ve signed up to coach U10 soccer, but they assigned U12, I took the coaching job anyway. It was a load of fun for me.

I want to diversify my investment as much as possible so I can ride out of inflation, deflation, depression, etc. Dividend stocks, income property, cd, bonds, land, p2p lending, etc. I’ll try to expand my horizon. I also want to invest in my health, my spiritual and family :P If you reach financial freedom and no one to share it with is pointless.



13 comments on “About

  1. Jeff
    January 28, 2018

    You are well on your way to financial freedom Vivianne!

    I have no doubt you will reach your goal in 2 years. I’ll be following your progress on here. : )


  2. Vivianne
    January 28, 2018

    Thank you for your vote of confident. I sure hope so. I just added your website so I’ll see how’s your strategy pans out. So we can compare notes!! :P


  3. Jason
    March 6, 2018

    Hey Vivianne,

    I love the concept you’ve got going here with the well rounded investor, especially with the relationships / health / mind / spirit balance. I try to take a very similar perspective when it comes to life and investing. Amazing that you are looking at becoming financially independent in only 2 more years! Look forward to seeing you achieve this!




    • Vivianne
      March 9, 2018

      Thank you for your encouragement. If money is all that one has, one is very poor and lost. I try not to trade my health for money, then have to use money to pay for healthcare.

      Giving is a part of life – whether it is to support family or stranger, I try to either giving in the form of money and time.

      Family support is important. Studies found, people with active social life lives longer.

      Mind, body, and spirit – whether one is with an organized religion or not, it really important that they have a spiritual leader for guidance. So, one can be steer away from greeds, and lusts. As for me, when I am lucky that my parents provided me with a strong faith, so when I was down and suffering, I have a religion to take refuge. Come back to myself, get a clear direction on who I want to be and how I life my life.


  4. Pingback: Liebster Award Nomination! | My Moneyfesto

  5. dividenddreamer
    March 25, 2018

    Sounds like you have done quite a lot in those 33 years. You are most certainly well rounded. Keep up the good work.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer


    • Vivianne
      March 25, 2018

      Thank for the kind words. I’ve just signed up to coach U10 soccer. This is a volunteer job. I love soccer so this should be very fun.

      LikeLiked by 1 person

  6. dividenddreamer
    April 5, 2018

    Just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Liebster Award. Nice job on your blog.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer


  7. sustainingthegoodlife
    May 2, 2018

    Sounds like you are determined to reach financial independence! Keep up the good work, and you can have enough diverse income streams to change your path in life.


    • Vivianne
      May 2, 2018

      Thank you for commenting. I didn’t start off to retire early or even have any inkling about it. In fact I didn’t even know the early retirement movement even existed until last year. I’m still consolidating to gear it up to early retirement.

      I hope you are also well on your way, too.


  8. UnexploitedFinances
    May 5, 2018

    Great path to be on. Keep at it, the results will be worth the work.


    • Vivianne
      May 6, 2018

      Thank you for the support, I do need all the encouragement I can get. Someday, work is rough. Some other day work can be rewarding. But I hope to reach FI as soon as possible to lift the elephant off my chest.

      Good luck to you on your own FI journey .


      • UnexploitedFinances
        May 6, 2018

        Thanks, Vivianne.


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