Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old



I’m 33 years old, healthcare professional. I had a passion to heal people from a very young age. However, healthcare is just like anything else, it’s a business. In business, there is also bureaucracy, so after nine years into the profession, I’m worn out. I’m willing to work part time, but I don’t think I can stand the hours, and the job itself full time. I still have a mortgage and about $55k left from $100k of student loan, in order to sustain the same lifestyle (I live minimally since graduation). I must made up the income from multiple sources to replace my current income. At that point, I will declare independence! Reaching financial independence (FI) would allow me to do things beyond medical, more creative work, research, writing, painting, learn new language, travel, and etc. :) The options are unlimited.

What did I do to get there: I worked multiple jobs before – paid or non-paid. I did a wide variety of jobs, but most of them helped me grow. Some of the job helped me become a better public person.

Paid jobs:

  • I worked at a plantation
  • I worked as a salesman – sell food at farmer market, I owned my own catering company.
  • I served food at a food court at a college.
  • I worked a cashier at a gift shop.
  • I went an work for grocery store and a couple of hospitals.
  • I taught at a college.
  • I worked as a researcher
  • I owned a couple of companies

Volunteer jobs:

  • Delivered mails, postcard and flowers to patients at a local hospital.
  • Feed the homeless and clean up houses with Habitat of Humanity Organization.
  • Worked as stand-up comedian at a nursing home.
  • Teach the Big Brother and Big Sister Club (Kids need to learn to be big brother and big sister when their mom is pregnant with a little one)
  • Did health screening at State Fair and other events.
  • Gave tours and guidance to new college student
  • Tutored math from HS to college

I want to diversify my investment as much as possible so I can ride out of inflation, deflation, depression, etc. Dividend stocks, income property, cd, bonds, land, p2p lending, etc. I’ll try to expand my horizon. I also want to invest in my health, my spiritual and family :P If you reach financial freedom and no one to share it with is pointless.



7 comments on “About

  1. Jeff
    January 28, 2018

    You are well on your way to financial freedom Vivianne!

    I have no doubt you will reach your goal in 2 years. I’ll be following your progress on here. : )


  2. Vivianne
    January 28, 2018

    Thank you for your vote of confident. I sure hope so. I just added your website so I’ll see how’s your strategy pans out. So we can compare notes!! :P


  3. Jason
    March 6, 2018

    Hey Vivianne,

    I love the concept you’ve got going here with the well rounded investor, especially with the relationships / health / mind / spirit balance. I try to take a very similar perspective when it comes to life and investing. Amazing that you are looking at becoming financially independent in only 2 more years! Look forward to seeing you achieve this!




    • Vivianne
      March 9, 2018

      Thank you for your encouragement. If money is all that one has, one is very poor and lost. I try not to trade my health for money, then have to use money to pay for healthcare.

      Giving is a part of life – whether it is to support family or stranger, I try to either giving in the form of money and time.

      Family support is important. Studies found, people with active social life lives longer.

      Mind, body, and spirit – whether one is with an organized religion or not, it really important that they have a spiritual leader for guidance. So, one can be steer away from greeds, and lusts. As for me, when I am lucky that my parents provided me with a strong faith, so when I was down and suffering, I have a religion to take refuge. Come back to myself, get a clear direction on who I want to be and how I life my life.


  4. Pingback: Liebster Award Nomination! | My Moneyfesto

  5. dividenddreamer
    March 25, 2018

    Sounds like you have done quite a lot in those 33 years. You are most certainly well rounded. Keep up the good work.

    Keep cranking,

    Robert the DividendDreamer


    • Vivianne
      March 25, 2018

      Thank for the kind words. I’ve just signed up to coach U10 soccer. This is a volunteer job. I love soccer so this should be very fun.

      LikeLiked by 1 person


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