Well Rounded Investor

My journey of becoming financial independence by 35 years old

A Morning of Mushroom Forage 

  1. imageimageimageimageimage
  2. Honey mushrooms – We found about 15 pounds worth of them.
  3. Common Name: Honey Mushroom, StumperScientific Name: Armillaria mellea

    Spore Print Color: White

    Characteristics: Caps are yellow or brown, fine hairs visible on the yellow variety, partial veil present in button stage or when young. Ring or anulus very prevelant on slightly scaly stem. Gills are tightly bunched together or “close”.

    Edibility: Good, although care must be taken so as not to confuse once again with poisonous Galerina species

    Time of year: Late Summer through mid-Fall

  4. https://michiganmushroomhunters.org/Mushrooms/Featured%20mushrooms%20by%20month/November/Mushroom%20November%2009.htm
  5. https://www.michiganmorels.com/beyond_the_morel/honey.html
  6. image image


Blewits are a worldwide species (also known as Clitocybe nuda, with a cousin Lepista saeva in Europe) that likes trees and fallen leaves or other decomposing duff. It is pretty easy to identify and worth taking home, if only for the vivid lilac-to-lavender color.



1. Lion mane – Hericium erinaceus) is also known as bearded tooth, satyr’s beard, bearded hedgehog, pom pom, bearded tooth and yamabushitake. There are other species in the Hericium genus, but they are all tasty and edible, so distinguishing which one you have isn’t of great importance.



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